Änderung der Öffnungszeiten im AUGUST: 31.08. - Nacht des offenen Hügels - Park und Großes Haus bis 23 Uhr geöffnet, letzter Einlass in den Park: 22 Uhr | weitere Schließtage - siehe Kalender auf unserer Webseite
Current information
The park and Villa Hügel will remain open. For the time being, the park can be visited with an admission ticket and the handing in of the data collection sheet.
Due to corona restrictions, no private or public tours will be offered for the time being. Villa Hügel guides are available on site on weekends and public holidays to answer individual questions about the history of Villa Hügel, the company and the Krupp family. Please do not hesitate to approach them.
We thank you for your understanding that the Villa Hügel guide cannot accompany you on your tour of the house.
Opening times
Villa Hügel
Tuesdays to Sundays from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm
Krupp Historical Exhibition
Tuesdays to Sundays from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm
Tuesdays to Sundays from 9.30 am to 7.00 pm. Closed on Mondays.
Sometimes Villa Hügel is closed. Please have a look into the calender.
Cash only!
Adults & children 14 and older
Euro 5,00
Annual ticket
Euro 50,00
Employees of thyssenkrupp
& the Alfried Krupp Hospital
Corona note: Private and public group tours are offered.
Groups (> 20 persons) are requested to reserve in advance.
School groups
Corona note: There are currently no guided tours for school classes!
School groups can only visit Villa Hügel in conjunction with a guided tour.
Tours given by third parties without an official permit are forbidden.
Guided Tours don't take place for the time being.
The Villa Hügel was the residence of the Krupp family. You may visit the house and park during opening hours and participate in our group tours. Our guides take you on a journey through the multi-layered history of the Krupps to give you an overview – or, in the case of our special theme tours, a deeper look – at both the family and the enterprise. Our tours of the park point out unusual features, exotic treasures and examples of local beauty in the expansive, hill-covered grounds.
Would you like to book a private group tour? Please reserve in advance and specify your language preference. We offer tours in German, English, French and Dutch. Or consult our calendar to see if a tour is available on your preferred date. We recommend booking well in advance.
Of course, we also offer public guided tours every Sunday starting at 11.00 am, 12.30 pm, and 2.00 pm. There is no pre-registration: visitors can purchase tickets on site.
Kulturstiftung Ruhr
Visitors Service
Villa Hügel
Hügel 1
D - 45133 Essen
E-mail: info@villahuegel.de
Phone: +49 201 61 62 917
Fax: +49 201 61 62 911
Duration: 60 mins.<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Number of participants: max. 20<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Villa, company and family. Overview tour of the Great House and the Krupp Historical Exhibition<\/h3>\n
In addition to the former representative and living rooms in the Main House, we present selected exhibits from more than 150 years in the Krupp Historical Exhibition in the Small House.<\/p>\n
Duration: 90 mins.<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Number of participants: max. 20<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Main House & Krupp Historical Exhibition<\/span><\/td>\n
90 minutes<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 60,00<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
school groups<\/span><\/td>\n
60 minutes<\/span><\/td>\n
price on demand<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
foreign language surcharge<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 10,00<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n
plus price of admission<\/p>\n","image":{"src":"\/app\/uploads\/2018\/08\/4_Ausstellungsraum-Krupp-Familie-und-Unternehmen-750x750.jpg","alt":""},"url":"https:\/\/www.villahuegel.de\/en\/?post_type=tour&p=2198","showLink":true},{"id":2203,"title":"Private: Strong Women","subtitle":"In service of the Krupp firm and family","type":"Theme Tour","text":"
Not only would the history of the Krupp family be inconceivable without its women, but the history of the Krupp firm would be as well. Over the long history of the Krupp family, the women developed widely varying strengths. Whether as daughters, brides or wives, businessmen\u2019s spouses, household managers or networkers, the Krupp women assumed many roles in addition to pursuing their personal interests. This theme tour is available with or without an introduction to the Krupp story.<\/p>\n
Max. number of participants: 15<\/p>\n
'Strong Women' \nincl. Introduction <\/span>to \nthe Krupp Story \n<\/span><\/td>\n
90 minutes<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 70,00<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
'Strong Women' \nwithout Introduction to \nthe Krupp Story \n<\/span><\/span><\/td>\n
60 minutes<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 60,00<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
foreign language surcharge<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 10,00<\/span><\/td>\n
plus price of admission<\/p>\n","image":{"src":"\/app\/uploads\/2018\/04\/Kachel-Frauenpower-08_berthaKvBH_mit_kindern_Anne-Stoll-750x750.jpg","alt":""},"url":"https:\/\/www.villahuegel.de\/en\/?post_type=tour&p=2203","showLink":true},{"id":2205,"title":"Private: A Symbol in Stone","subtitle":"Architecture of the Villa H\u00fcgel","type":"Theme Tour","text":"
Architecture fulfils set functions and serves a variety of purposes. For generations of the Krupp family, the Villa H\u00fcgel was not simply a residence; it was also a prestigious setting. There are rooms where children played and rooms where kings dined; and also rooms in which economic and political decisions were made that had far-reaching consequences. This tour will guide you through these rooms, introduce you to the architects, and recount stories ranging from problems satisfying the demanding owner to technological quirks to structural changes. This theme tour is available with or without an introduction to the Krupp story.<\/p>\n
Max. number of participants: 15<\/p>\n
'A Symbol in Stone' \nincl. Introduction to \nthe Krupp Story<\/span><\/td>\n
90 minutes<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 70,00<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
'A Symbol in Stone' \nwithout Introduction to \nthe Krupp Story \n<\/span><\/td>\n
60 minutes \n<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 60,00<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
foreign language surcharge<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 10,00<\/span><\/td>\n
plus price of admission<\/p>\n","image":{"src":"\/app\/uploads\/2018\/11\/3964_Bury-750x750.jpg","alt":""},"url":"https:\/\/www.villahuegel.de\/en\/?post_type=tour&p=2205","showLink":true},{"id":2208,"title":"Private: Style and Taste","subtitle":"The interior decoration of the Villa H\u00fcgel through the ages","type":"Theme Tour","text":"
The dual residential and representational usage of this estate not only influenced its architectural language \u2013 they also shaped the interior of the enormous house. The domestic culture of the Krupp home underwent many changes over the decades. For each generation, the spirit and taste of the times, openness to new ideas, or the use of historical models all played an important role in the selection of furniture, tapestries, porcelain, paintings, and interior decoration. Objects that typified their time were combined with highly personal or even eccentric items. Original pieces bring the domestic interiors of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries alive in their historical and cultural context. This theme tour is available with or without an introduction to the Krupp story.<\/p>\n
Max. number of participants: 15<\/p>\n
'Style and Taste' \nincl. Introduction to \nthe Krupp Story \n<\/span><\/td>\n
90 minutes<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 70,00<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
'Style and Taste' \nwithout Introduction to \nthe Krupp Story \n<\/span><\/td>\n
60 minutes<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 60,00<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
foreign language surcharge<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 10,00<\/span><\/td>\n
plus price of admission<\/p>\n","image":{"src":"\/app\/uploads\/2018\/08\/essen_villa_huegel__MG_0951-750x750.jpg","alt":""},"url":"https:\/\/www.villahuegel.de\/en\/?post_type=tour&p=2208","showLink":true},{"id":2210,"title":"Flowers, Shrubs and Exotic Plants","subtitle":"The Park of the Villa H\u00fcgel","type":"Park Tour","text":"
Panoramic views and enchanted corners: Over its long history, the H\u00fcgel Park has gone through numerous transformations and is still being continually redesigned today. In addition to botanical information, our fascinating tour also offers glimpses into the great history and historical background of the world of Villa H\u00fcgel. Sturdy footwear and seasonal clothing are essential. This theme tour is available with or without an introduction to the Krupp story.<\/p>\n
Max. number of participants: 20<\/p>\n
Park Tour \n'House & Park' \nincl. Introduction <\/span>to \nthe Krupp Story \n<\/span><\/td>\n
120 minutes<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 80,00<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Park Tour \n'House & Park' \nwithout Introduction to \nthe Krupp Story<\/span><\/td>\n
120 minutes<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 80,00<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Park Tour \n'House & Park' \nwithout Introduction to \nthe Krupp Story<\/span><\/td>\n
60 minutes<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 60,00<\/span><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
foreign language surcharge<\/span><\/td>\n
Euro 10,00<\/span><\/td>\n
plus price of admission<\/p>\n","image":{"src":"\/app\/uploads\/2018\/08\/Denkm\u00e4ler-30-750x750.jpg","alt":""},"url":"https:\/\/www.villahuegel.de\/en\/fuehrung\/blumen-straeucher-und-exoten\/","showLink":true}]'>
Admission & pricing
Euro 5,00
Childen 14 and older
Euro 5,00
Employees of thyssenkrupp &
Alfried Krupp Hospital
Free admission (with employee ID)
School groups
Free admission (reservation required)
Euro 5,00
Please note: Admission tickets and tour group fees must be paid in cash.
Are disabled parking spaces available? The main car park in front of the Villa Hügel contains two parking spaces for guests with Disabled ID.
Is the museum accessible for wheelchair users?
The public areas are accessible for wheelchairs by using a lift. There are two ramps at the front of the house to facilitate entry with a wheelchair. Only the rooms containing temporary exhibitions are not completely accessible.
Please note: Parts of the entrance area include historical pavement which may limit accessibility. The Hügel Park contains slopes and some unpaved paths.
Are disabled-accessible toilets available?
Both the Main House and the Krupp Historical Exhibition contain disabled-accessible toilets.
Food & drink
Food and drink may not be consumed inside the buildings.
How to find the Villa Hügel: Directions & Parking
Are you arriving by car?
Leave the motorway A52 at exit 27 ‘Essen-Haarzopf’ or 28 ‘Essen-Rüttenscheid’, then follow signs for ‘Villa Hügel’. GPS: Haraldstrasse, 45133 Essen
Ample parking spaces and two marked parking spaces for visitors with disability cards are available on the Villa Hügel grounds.
Are you arriving by train?
Take the S-Bahn S6, which runs between Essen Main Station and Köln-Worringen, to the ‘Essen-Hügel’ stop, then follow the signs on the footpath. (approx. 300 m) Note: Please be aware that the rail stop is not disabled accessible. Further information: www.bahn.de
Are you arriving by public transport?
Take the Essen tram line 107 or 108 to ‘Frankenstraße’ and from there bus line 194 to the ‘Zur Villa Hügel’ stop. (approx. 1,500-m walk
Further information: vrr.de
We appreciate your understanding that dogs and other pets are not allowed on the grounds of the Villa Hügel, including inside cars. Excepted from this rule are service dogs accompanying their owners (for example seeing-eye dogs).
Photography & filming
A personal souvenir photo, a short video with hill background? For private purposes, photography is of course permitted both inside the buildings and outside - but really exclusively for private purposes. The entire site, including the buildings, is a listed building due to its historical significance and architecture. You are therefore not allowed to use a flash or other external light sources, a tripod or a selfie stick. Have you observed all this? Then nothing stands in the way of publication on social networks (such as Facebook or Instagram).
Professional bloggers and influencers are exempt from this.
Impressive drone pictures of Villa Hügel? Sorry, but drone footage is not permitted.
Commercial filming and photography in the park or Villa Hügel? Advertising shoots, tourism projects, exhibition projects, photos for print or online publications or fashion shoots, etc. unfortunately cannot take place on the grounds or in the buildings.
Professionally organised shoots or projects with public interest? Permits will also not be issued for blogs, school or university projects, art projects, freelance filming, weddings.
Are there any exceptions? In individual cases, the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation, as the owner, grants special permits for projects that fulfil the spirit of the foundation and have a non-profit character. Applications can be submitted at presse@krupp-stiftung.de.
Restaurant & café
There is no food service available on the Villa Hügel grounds. However, there are various restaurants and cafés located near Lake Baldeney.
Tours - overview
All prices are plus price of admission
Price plus admission
Max. numer of participants
Public tour
Sundays 11.00 am, 12.30 pm and
2.00 pm
60 min.
Euro 3,00 per person
General tour
Villa Hügel (Standard)
90 min.
Euro 60,00
General tour
Villa Hügel (short)
60 min.
Euro 50,00
Krupp Historical Exhibition
60 min.
Euro 50,00
Theme tour incl. introduction to the Krupp story
90 min.
Euro 70,00
Theme tour without introduction to the Krupp story