Changes to opening hours in MARCH 2025: 25.03. to 26.03. - Villa Hügel and Park closed | 27.03. to 30.03. - Large House closed all day | in APRIL 2025: 01.04. to 06.04. - Large-scale partial closure of the Large House (no guided tours) | 08. 04. to 09.04. - Large building closed all day | 10.04. - Villa Hügel and park closed | 11.04. - 1st exhibition day of the special exhibition ‘21 x 21. The RuhrKunstMuseen auf dem Hügel’ 


Kulturstiftung Ruhr
Hügel 15
D - 45133 Essen

Telephone: +49 201 61 62 90
Fax: +49 201 61 62 911

Executive committee:
Volker Troche
Dr. Ute Kleinmann

The Kulturstiftung Ruhr is a foundation by civil law.

Competent supervisory authority:
Ministerium des Inneren und Kommunales des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

Conception and design:
Oktober Kommunikationsdesign GmbH

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nextindex GmbH & Co. KG

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Illustration proof:
©Laurenz Berges (Josef Albers. Interaction)
©Alex Muchnik (News, World Cup 1974)
©Jens Nober (Katharina Fritsch; Economy! Miracle!)
©Michael Rasche (Historical Exhibition Krupp)
©Frank Vinken (Humboldt thanks, Adenauer denies)
©Peter Wieler (Heinrich Kley)
©Marc Wohlrab (Krupp. Photographs from two centuries)

All other images are copyright ©Denis Bury, ©Peter Gwiazda, ©Anne Stoll, ©Historisches Archiv Krupp, ©Kulturstiftung Ruhr, Essen.