Changes to opening hours in MARCH 2025: 25.03. to 26.03. - Villa Hügel and Park closed | 27.03. to 30.03. - Large House closed all day | in APRIL 2025: 01.04. to 06.04. - Large-scale partial closure of the Large House (no guided tours) | 08. 04. to 09.04. - Large building closed all day | 10.04. - Villa Hügel and park closed | 11.04. - 1st exhibition day of the special exhibition ‘21 x 21. The RuhrKunstMuseen auf dem Hügel’ 

Concerts by the Folkwang Kammerorchesters

Space and sound

The young talents of the Folkwang Kammerorchester perform at the Villa Hügel several times each year. For tickets and information, please see the orchestra's website.
