Änderung der Öffnungszeiten im AUGUST: 31.08. - Nacht des offenen Hügels - Park und Großes Haus bis 23 Uhr geöffnet, letzter Einlass in den Park: 22 Uhr | weitere Schließtage - siehe Kalender auf unserer Webseite

Press Images: Copyright

The press images shown on this page may only be used for editorial and scientific purposes. The copyrights are held by the Historisches Archiv Krupp, Essen, unless another photographer is expressly indicated. All copyrights remain in their entirety even if images are transferred to an archive electronically or manually. Images that are used, modified, duplicated and/or electronically alienated for editorial and scientific purposes must bear the source reference "www.villahuegel.de/press".

Special restrictions for the use of the pictures can result from the picture caption.

A commercial transfer to third parties - also in electronically processed form - is not permitted. Printing / publication of the photos is free of charge. However, we request a specimen copy in the case of print media and a brief notification in the case of film and electronic media.

E-mail: presse@villahuegel.de
Postal address: Kulturstiftung Ruhr, Press Office, Hügel 1, D - 45133 Essen